Contributions towards various self-access ESOL materials from Birmingham Industrial Language Training Services, including Read English (1983) and Talk English (1983).

Producer of What a Waste (BILTS, 1985), Bilingual Training Video on Statistical Process Control for BSK Aluminium, Birmingham.

(SPC is a quality control system requiring full engagement of all shopfloor staff. With a largely Punjabi-speaking workforce BSK, in consultation with BILTS, rather than going for classroom-based language tuition, opted for a training process in which the making of the video involved everyone on the shopfloor, so raising awareness of SPC in a positive and inclusive manner.)

Hindi Urdu Bol Chaal (BBC Enterprises, 1989, Co-writer). 215-page course book and audio tapes to accompany BBC Television series.

“Adult Learners and Native Speakers: Shall the Twain Ne’er Meet?”, Proceedings of FASGNAG Conference on Social and Related Research on Gaelic Language and Community, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Isle of Skye, 1991.

SCOTVEC National Certificate Urdu 1 Open Learning Pack, (Strathclyde Region, 1992, Co-writer and Editor).

“A Placement Test in Gaelic Reading Skills for Adult Learners: Development, Administration, and Analysis”, Proceedings of FASGNAG II, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Isle of Skye, 1993.

“The Teaching of Hindi and Urdu in Britain: A Community Language Approach”, in J. Wagner & H. L. Nielsen (eds), “Teaching Remote Foreign Languages”, Odense Working Papers in Language and Communication No. 7, 1994.

Karaoke Cèilidh (Clydebank College/CLI, 1994, Producer). Song-based book and tape package for Gaelic learners.

“Working with the Gaelic Learners’ Association; a case study of learner-led initiatives in Heritage Language Teaching”, in “Language Issues”, Journal of the National Association for Teaching English and Other Community Languages to Adults (NATECLA), Vol. 7 No. 2 1995/6.

“The Validity of Language Learners’ Self-reports of Proficiency: A Study of Scottish Gaelic”, in “Language Issues”, journal of NATECLA, Vol. 9 No. 1, 1997.

Thugam agus Bhuam (Grimsay Community Association, 2007, audio editor). Accompanying CDs for 2nd edition of Pàdruig Moireasdan’s song and story collection.

Teach Yourself Gaelic Conversation (Hodder Education, 2008, co-writer with Boyd Robertson). 3-CD package with accompanying booklet.

Guthan nan Eilean: Island Voices (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, 2008, author). DVD/CD-Rom package of 40 short films with transcripts/translations for learners of Gaelic and English.

Guthan nan Eilean Air-loidhne: Island Voices Online (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, 2010, author). Multimedia blog/portal for Series One and Two,

Island Voices Videos (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, 2010, author). YouTube Channel, 150+ video clips for learners of Gaelic and English,

“Perceptions of Gaelic Learning and Use in a Bilingual Island Community: an Exploratory Study”. Soillse, 2011.

ESOL in the Hebrides and Island Voices – ‘Hey, hang on a minute, tha mise bilingual’. In D. Mallows (ed) “Innovations in English language teaching for migrants and refugees”, British Council, London, 2012.

Gaelic Digital Literacies in a Bilingual Community: a Sampling of Practices and Preferences”. Soillse, 2013.

“CALL Support in Context: Contrasting Approaches in Irish and Scottish Gaelic”, with Caoimhín Ó Dónaill. TOOLS, 2014.

“Sharing Gaelic Voices: Peat-cutting in Polish, or Surfing in Sindhi?”, in Language Issues 27.1 Summer, NATECLA, 2016.

“Saoghal Thormoid – Norman’s World: Synopses and Transcripts”, Soillse 2017. (Foreword by Conchúr Ó Giollagáin.)