Ich bin ein Uibhisteach

What a delight to see familiar faces in less familiar surroundings, and all contributing of their own talents to give everyone a good time. And what a privilege to be able to record it… Is there a better place to be on a midsummer night than Uibhist fhèin? View here.

Bilingual Stardust

Nach mi bha lucky! Benbecula to Bollywood, in the YouTube company of Tormod and Amitabh. Any volunteers to do that backwards – उल्टा दौड़के? Read, listen, and view more here.

Benbecula Burns

Tam O Shanter given a riproaring North Easterly slant by Rob “One Take” Keltie. The bravura performance speaks for itself, but it’s worth recording that it was genuinely delivered entirely from memory. Read and hear more here.

Mar as motha a dh’atharraicheas e?

… I presented this paper 19 years ago at the first Fasgnag conference at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig – long before Àrainn Chaluim Chille, before even the extension to Àrainn Ostaig…

More discussion here.

Doubling up on Shak and Sax: Musical Bilingualism?

Learning languages is not a zero sum game. The notion that there’s only so much space in your brain to accommodate your linguistic competence and/or diversity … doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

More here – with soundfiles and comments.

Is Gaelic an Indigenous Language?

“Stupid question.” That’s the short answer, tinged perhaps with weariness, perhaps indignation. “Of course it is. Next question.” Well, there is a next question…

More here with discussion.

Catch Fichead ’s a Dhà

… tha e ceart, uaireannan, a bhith a’ sgrìobhadh ann am Beurla mu dheidhinn Gàidhlig – gu h-àraid ma tha thu airson gun leugh muinntir na Gàidhlig fhèin na sgriòbhas tu. Saoghal neònach…

Barrachd an seo le deasbad.

youtube—island voices project

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Youtube : GordonWellsUist Channel. The writer and entertainer Norman Maclean talks in English to Archie Mackay from Am Pàipear. Part of the forthcoming new Guthan nan Eilean series.

ipadio—voice of the web

ipadio logoipadio takes any phone call and streams it live on the web, makes phonecasts and phlogs simple and immediate. Phlog… Gordon air prògram Choinnich : interview extract for Gaelic online learning : Original broadcast, BBC Scotland’s programme Coinneach.

Gordon Wells : full phlog listings